Thursday 21 April 2011

Old story from Auvergne

                                     THE RED INN OR THE BLOODY INN.

It deals with an horrifying story about passengers lost and never found.
For nearly twenty-three years, around the years 1800's, a man named Pierre Martin and his wife Marie, owners of an inn located in the woods , have robbed more than fifty passengers before killing them.They were arrested.
The press then , gives different nicknames for the inn such as "red inn"," bloody inn" or "cut throat".
The story began in October 1831 with the discovery of a corpse near the Allier river , a few miles from the inn.This is the body of a farmer who, having lost his calf on the way , would have stopped at the inn a few days before.
The magistrate goes to the inn to investigate the disappearance of the man.A month later, the Martins were arrested.
On june, the trial began with more than one hundred witnesses.They all relayed rumors: the inn-keepers would have cooked pies and stews with parts of the corpses, some farmers have seen human hands in the pot from the kitchen, others reported seeing the ded sheets and walls spotted with blood.
The trial lasted a long time. Then a poor man who had seen and heard everything told the truth.
He was expelled from the inn because he couldn't pay his bed.He hid near the hostel, where he had seen the killing of a traveler.
Finaly convicted of two murders, four attempted murders and six robberies, the Martins were sentenced to death and to be guillotined in the courtyard of their inn.
The performance took place on October 2nd 1833 at noon when the angelus rang. It was said that 30 000 people witnessed the execution.
This event became very popular and several French films have been made from this sad story...

Saturday 12 March 2011

FRENCH CINEMA (The best in the world)

Rather than talking about major French success, I prefer to present you films that reflect the real French cinema.
So here are three films that I love:

Un long dimanche de fiançailles :   (2004)

It’s an emotional and historical film with Audrey Tautou, the main actress in an another famous French movie: “Amelie Poulain.
Images are wonderful and the light in this film is bright and often sepia like in old pictures.
It lasts two hours and fourteen minutes.
It’s the story of a young engaged woman in 1914.Her engaged man disappeared during a first world war battle but nobody had found  his body. So she looked for him for years....
I like this film because it shows the amazing things we can do for love !

Dialogue avec mon jardinier :   (2007)

It’s a comedy with two well known French actors: Daniel Auteuil and Jean-Pierre Darroussin.
It’s sometimes funny, sometimes serious. Landscapes are beautiful and the music in one part is great (Mozart).The rhythm of the film is quit and we are very far from the frenzy of modern life.
It lasts one hour and fifty minutes.
It takes place, nowadays in a small village in south of France. Two old school friends meet as they have not seen for many years .One is a famous painter living in Paris and the other one was a train mechanician...
I like this film because it shows that, even we are so different, we can share a lot of things. It also proves that we never forget our soul child.

Cyrano de Bergerac :   (1990) 

It’s an historical romance based on a French play written in 1897 by Edmond Rostand. (This play is a classic of French literature and it has been written in verses.)
The best known French actor Gerard Depardieu plays in this film. Costumes, sceneries and dialogues are wonderful.

It lasts two hours and fifteen minutes and it received an award as best French film in 1991.

A soldier’s king  named “Cyrano” is secretly in love with his cousin “Roxane”. But he is older than her and not very nice so  she prefers a young man named “Christian de Neuvillette “…
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         Finally, I think these movies aren’t the best known but they will show you the true face of French cinema; sometimes funny and often making reflections on the meaning of life.
So, enjoy your film

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Joys of snow in Meribel

Méribel is a ski resort created in 1938 by Peter Lindsay, a Scottish officer. So, since this time, Méribel is a popular destination for British persons.Almost everyone speaks English.
The resort, chic and elegant, consists of chalets in respect with the Savoyard tradition.
Meribel asserts itself over the years as an exceptional and internationnal ski resort .His reputation will be crowned in 1992 by hosting several major events of the Olympics in Albertville.
The resort takes place in the Tarentaise Valley, in the department of Savoy, 120 kms from Grenoble.
So, I suggest you will take the train on March 5th to Moutiers, then a shuttle to get there:

Train reservation:
Here is the most convenient train travel :

Trajet : GRENOBLE MOUTIERS SALINS BRIDES LES B Prix du billet : 70.00 € 2 passagers


Départ Samedi 05 Mars à : 07h32 De la gare de : GRENOBLE GARE
Arrivée à : 08h19 > 09h12 via la gare de : MONTMELIAN
Transporteur :
Numéro du train : 85111 Services à bord :
2e classe

Départ à : 09h12 De la gare de : MONTMELIAN
Arrivée à : 10h10 à la gare de : MOUTIERS SALINS BRIDES LES B
Transporteur :
Numéro du train : 83207 Services à bord :
2e classe


 Départ Samedi 12 Mars à : 11h42 De la gare de :    MOUTIERS SALINS BRIDES LES B
 Arrivée à : 12h45 > 12h55 via  la gare de : MONTMELIAN

Transporteur :

Numéro du train : 83266 Services à bord :
2e classe
Départ à : 12h55 De la gare de : MONTMELIAN
Arrivée à : 13h31 à la gare de : GRENOBLE GARE
Transporteur :
Numéro du train : 17520 Services à bord :
2e classe

Then for the shuttle:

Or if you want to choose another way to get there:

On arrival, you will go to a nice hotel named "Le Lac Bleu" (the blue lake) located in the center of the ski resort.
To reserve a double classic bedroom with shower and full board for a week   (2 persons -1610 €) :

A Méribel map in order not to loose:

After a good night, you will go and rent your skis (you can also rent from home, before departure) :

Then you will have to go to the ski school to reserve lessons :

Here is your ski playground :

If you don't just want  to ski:

Wellness center:
Horse sleigh :
Music festival :
To rent snow-bike :
To make snow shoeing :

So ,as you can see, many activities are offered and everyone will enjoy.
A week in a ski-resort is quite expensive, but it will be an unforgettable experience.
 So take warm clothes and enjoy it !!

Prices details (2 persons): 
                                      -hotel:                   1610 €
                                      -Train:                   70 €
                                      -Shuttle:                 40 €
                                      -Ski rent:                194 €
                                      -Ski lessons :          312 €  (5 mornings)
                                      -Wellness center:    74 € (4 days pass)
                                      -Horse drawn tour: 50 € (half an hour)
                                      -Snow bikes :         100 € (one hour)
                                      -Snow shoeing :      54 €
                                      -Ice rink :               15 €

Thursday 3 February 2011

Could you imagine? Parrots-are-left-handed !!

This is an article from "the Telegraph", an English newspaper.
A very serious study inform us that parrots are ,like humans, left or right handed .Extraordinary, isn't it ?
It seems that their brain is organised as the human brain .
So ,I ask a question:  if these intelligent animals, who are able to speak,  are left or right handed as us ,when will they replace me at work ? This could change my life!!

Saturday 29 January 2011

Shame on English Police !!

CPS reviews environmental activists' convictions
Group that planned to shut down Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station was infiltrated by undercover police officer Mark Kennedy
The convictions of 20 environmental campaigners involved in a protest at Britain's second largest coal-fired power station are to be reviewed less than two weeks after they were sentenced.
The urgent investigation by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) into the safety of the convictions was welcomed by one of the activists, Ben Stewart, a Greenpeace employee who branded the trial a miscarriage of justice.
The CPS decision follows revelations in the Guardian about the role of PC Mark Kennedy, allegedly at the centre of a £250,000-a-year undercover operationwithin the climate change movement. Under the name Mark Stone the former Metropolitan police officer infiltrated environmental groups across Europe.
The demonstrators were convicted of conspiracy to commit aggravated trespass at the coal-fired Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station in Nottinghamshire.
The CPS said: "We will appoint a QC to consider the safety of the convictions arising from the trial ... This will be a thorough review but conducted as quickly as possible."
The convicted protesters were given a mixture of community orders and conditional discharges this month at Nottingham crown court. Stewart, 36, and Sarah Shoraka, 33, another Greenpeace worker, were among the last to be sentenced for their part in the 2009 climate change action.
The cases against six of their fellow demonstrators collapsed because Kennedy was expected to give evidence on their behalf. The trial led to claims that police withheld significant secretly recorded tapes from the defence and the court.
"This is now the fifth supposedly independent inquiry sparked by the Guardian's revelations about Mark Kennedy," Stewart said. "Crucial evidence was suppressed. There's a recording that Kennedy made of a briefing before the proposed action.
"It would go right to the heart of the case because the jury would have known what was motivating us. The key issue was whether this was an attempt to stop CO2 emissions or whether it was a publicity stunt.
"It was an attempt to stop emissions. It was an attempt to stop 150,000 tonnes of CO2 going into the atmosphere.
"The tape would have been absolutely crucial ... but the police decided not to let the jury have it. They didn't let the judge in the trial have it either.
"We are in an extraordinary position where the DPP is investigating a possible miscarriage of justice only one and a half weeks after our sentences were imposed. The Kennedy affair gets darker and darker.
"There's an Independent Police Complaints Commission investigation into the suppression of the tape. God knows what we will end up with. It could end up with charges for perverting the course of justice and the only people going to jail could be police officers."
The convicted activists are due to start their community service orders in the next few weeks. There has been no announcement on whether they will be suspended pending the CPS review.

Here is an article from an English newspaper: The Guardian.
It's about the story of some environmental campaigners who wanted to stop the exploitation of a coal-fired  power plant.They couldn't shut down the power station because their group was infiltrated by Mark Kennedy, a police officer.So they were convicted of conspiracy to commit aggravated trespass.
In the court, several procedural irregularities were noticed : the police secretly recorded the defence and the court, and a recording that Kennedy made of a briefing before the proposed action, disappeared.This tape would have proved that environmental campaigners wanted to explain that this kind of energy production was a danger for the planet because it produces a lot of CO2 gas wich increases the global warming.
So justice was clement : the convicted activists have just to do community service orders.However, an Independent Police Complaints Commission investigates for the suppression of the tape.

I agree with the court decision.But whenever ecologists want to defend the environment, they are treated as terrorists. Because of lobbying by major energy, mining and food companies.
It's a shame !!!

Saturday 15 January 2011

The English language is not any more than it was !

I think the writer's strongest argument is that English is nowadays used as a common language for business and science, but in fact, only a few persons who speak English have learnt it as a mother tongue. Furthermore, some ex-English colonies, like Sri Lanka and Tanzania, have rejected English language.

I agree with the author because, with the evolution of technology, we shall not be any more obliged to speak foreign languages.We shall use more and more computer translation and speech recognition.
But , for travelers ,English will remain the most practical language to have a dialogue.
So ,in conclusion, let us continue to go to Carmenne's English course !